My lifestyle was killing me and I knew I had to do something about it. I have learned that the best way to develop a healthy lifestyle is to discover the source of problem and then put a plan into action that will develop good health.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Why are the Holidays so Stressful?

Right after Halloween, many people start to dread the next two months. They know they have a long list of things to do and not enough time to do it all. Anxieties increase as family starts talking about plans for the upcoming festivities. Who is going to have dinner at whose house and who is going to be upset he or she is or is not the host this year? No matter how organized you might be, decorating always seems like a nightmare; decorations aren't where they are supposed to be and lights miraculously became tangled in an untouched box. Don't forget, there's shopping for presents and fighting the crowds at the mall. It's no wonder that people feel like they lose their mind this time of year!


MJ said...

Dont´really know?
but somehow it depend on how you plan what you gonna do...

One thing I know I am not stress when holidays come...

Coffeeveggie addict. said...

i missed a lot of christmas since i started working....i would surely love to be stress if i could just to feel again the true meaning of christmas....and the other holidays to come....

merry christmas to you ellen!

Anya said...

Merry Christmas
and a Happy & Healthy 2010
for you Ellen
and your whole family :-)
Enjoy your Holidays...

Kareltje =^.^=
Anya :-)