My lifestyle was killing me and I knew I had to do something about it. I have learned that the best way to develop a healthy lifestyle is to discover the source of problem and then put a plan into action that will develop good health.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Be consistent

When it comes to discipline, it's important to be consistent. Parents who don't stick to the rules and consequences they set up don't have kids who do either. For example, if you tell your toddler that a timeout is the repercussion for bad behavior, be sure to enforce it. Only issue warnings for things that you can follow through on. Empty threats undermine your authority.

And don't forget that kids learn by watching adults, particularly their parents. So make sure your own behavior is role-model material. When asking your child to pick up toys, you'll make a much stronger impression if you've put away your own belongings rather than leaving your stuff strewn around the room.


Coffeeveggie addict. said...

indeed,your right we must set our example so the kids will follow.consistentcy means a lot to kids be it by your words or by their role model.

grace said...

absolutely correct!